1.4.0 Big update


The main change in this version is the switch to .NET 8. Previously, .Net Framework 4.7.2 was used, which is still part of Windows. Now you will need to download .NET 8 to run the program.

For Windows, you can download .NET Desktop Runtime to be able to run graphical versions of programs. desk

If you use macOS or Linux, or don’t plan to run graphical versions of the program, you can download the regular .NET Runtime. image

Other changes

  • Program is separated into .UI.exe and .Console.exe.
  • Linux and macOS support has been added! You need to run the dotnet GodotPCKExplorer.Console.dll [some arguments] command to run the application.
  • Greatly increased processing speed of encrypted PCK.
  • Fixed output to console when program is closed quickly. GH-7
  • Added button to clear the filter.
  • Added the ability to specify a prefix to PCK contents when packing. GH-8
  • Added preview of PCK contents when packing. GH-9
  • Added ability to extract and pack files based on filter. GH-10

Also, if you are faced with encrypted PCK for Godot 4, then you may be interested in PCK Bruteforcer.


GodotPCKExplorer.zip 496 kB
Jan 21, 2024
PCKBruteforcer.zip 521 kB
Jan 21, 2024

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